Importance of Ethics in doing Business with Client

Importance of Ethics in doing Business with Client

Ethical behavior is important to achieve long-term success in a business. The importance of business ethics applies to both perspective, both macro and microscope, which will be explained as follows:
Macro Perspective; the growth of a country depends on the market system that plays more effectively and efficiently than the command system in allocating goods and services. Some conditions that the market system needs to be effective are: (a) The right to own and manage private property; (b) Freedom of choice in trade in goods and services; and (c) The availability of accurate information relating to goods and services. If one of the subsystems in the market system performs the unethical behavior, then this will affect the balance of the system and inhibit macro system growth. The effect of unethical behavior on macro business perspective is as follows:

  • Bribes or bribes; this will result in less freedom of choice by influencing decision makers.
  • Coercive act; reducing the effective competition between business actors and threats or forcing them to be unrelated to others in the business.
  • Deceptive information;
  • Pecurian and embezzlement; and unfair discrimination.

Importance of Ethics in doing Business with Client

Micro Business Perspective; in this Scope, the conduct of ethics is identical with trust or trust. In the scope of micro there is a chain of relationships where suppliers, companies, consumers, employees are interconnected business activities that will affect the scope of the macro. Each important link has an impact on maintaining ethics so that the underlying beliefs of business relationships can be well preserved. In creating business ethics, it is advisable to pay attention to several things as follows:

Self-control; that is, business actors are able to control themselves - each to get nothing from anyone and in any form. In addition, the business itself does not benefit by playing fraudulent or consuming others by using the benefits. Although the benefits obtained are the right for business people, but their use must also take into account the condition of the surrounding community. This is "ethical" business ethics.

Development of Social Responsibility (Social Responsibility); business people here are required to care about the state of society, not just in the form of "money" by way of donating, but more complex again. This means that for example, the opportunity that a businessperson has to sell at a high price level during an excess demand should be a concern and concern for the businessperson by not taking advantage of this opportunity to reap multiple benefits. Thus, in a state of excess demand, business people must be able to develop and manifest the attitude of responsibility towards the surrounding community. Social responsibility can be in the form of awareness of the surrounding community, especially in terms of education, health, provision of skills training and others.

Maintain Your Self; maintaining identity and not easy to vacillate by the rapid development of information and technology is one effort to create business ethics. However, it does not mean business ethics anti-information and technology development, but the information and technology should be utilized to raise awareness for the weak group and not lose the culture possessed by the transformation of information and technology.

Creating Healthy Competition; competition in the business world needs to improve efficiency and quality, but the competition is not deadly weak, and vice versa there must be a close relationship between big business and middle class down so that with the development of large companies are able to provide spread effect to the surrounding development. For that in creating competition, there need to be balanced forces in the business world.

Implementing the Concept of "Sustainable Development"; the business world should not think of profit just now, but it needs to think about how it is in the future. On the basis of this, it is clear that business people are required not to "exploit" the environment and current circumstances to the maximum extent without considering the environment and circumstances of the future even though it is now an opportunity to earn big profits.

Being able to Declare the Right is True; that is, if the businessman is indeed unnatural to receive credit (for example) because the requirements can not be met.

Growing Mutual Believe Stance among Entrepreneurs; to create "conducive" business conditions there must be trust between strong entrepreneurs and weak entrepreneurs so that weak entrepreneurs can grow together with other large and established entrepreneurs. What has been believed to exist only between the strong parties, now it's time to give the opportunity to the middle to grow and take part in the business world.

Consistent and Consistent with Common Joint Rules; all the concepts of business ethics that have been determined will not be accomplished if everyone does not want to be consistent and consistent with the ethics. Why? If all business ethics had been agreed upon, while there were "persons", both entrepreneurs and others tried to "cheat" for personal gain, it was clear that all the business ethics concepts would "fall" one semester.
Maintaining Agreement; maintaining agreement or growing awareness and ownership of what has been agreed is one of the efforts to create business ethics. If this ethic has been owned by all parties, obviously all provide a tranquility and comfort in doing business.

Pouring into the Positive Law; the need for some business ethics to be poured into a positive law which becomes the Laws and Regulations is intended to ensure legal certainty of the business ethics, such as "protection" against weak entrepreneurs. The need for a moral and ethical business power of the present moment has been felt and is expected by all parties especially with the rapid development of globalization in the earth. Given the morale and ethics in the business world and the awareness of all parties to implement it, we believe the gulf will be overcome.

Practicing business with etiquette means practicing polite and courteous business practices so that business life is fun because of mutual respect. Business etiquette applies to the attitude of the life of an office, the attitude of dealing with business partners, and the attitude in which we belong to the organization. It is a smile as a sincere appreciation and gratitude, not abusing the position, wealth, no irritation, self-control, tolerance, and not interrupting other people's conversation. In other words, business etiquette maintains a pleasant atmosphere, generates mutual respect, improves work efficiency, and enhances personal and corporate image. While doing business with business ethics is to apply the general rules of ethics on business behavior. Business ethics concerns morals, social contact, rights and obligations, principles and rules. So the point is how do we control ourselves to be able to do business well with sensitive and tolerant ways.

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